In 2018, the SERIOR Graduate Academy will once again organise three knowledge and technology transfer events with a focus on risk and safety management in the context of the trinational Upper Rhine region.
Be there and ...
- get to know current research and development results, projects and services of the central science locations in the Upper Rhine region
- exchange ideas with scientists from the tri-national Graduate Academy SERIOR - identify common interests and activities and discover potentials for cross-border cooperations
- make new personal contacts with stakeholders in the field of risk management and expand your network within the Upper Rhine region
16 February 2018, 13h30-17h00 // Université de Strasbourg
"Grenzüberschreitende Risikoprävention und -intervention"
- La dimension sociale du risque - Quel rôle pour les entreprises et les collectivités ?
Free entrance, registration recommended:
22 March 2018, 14h00-17h00 // Universität Koblenz-Landau
- Rheingold oder Source de risque? Der Rhein aus gesellschaftlicher, ökonomischer und ökologischer Perspektive
For further information, please do noz hesitate to contact us:
Notabene: A simultaneous interpreting service is provided(GER-FR).
15 May 2018 // Universität Freiburg
- Digitale Kommunikation: Zwischen Bequemlichkeit und Sicherheit
Registration recommended:
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